

Tips for green laser pointer





Tips for green laser pointer

People often go to theLaser Pen Shops‎ to buy laser pointer, but ignore their safety.
For star pointing, green is best. The human eye sees green much better than the same amount of red or blue, so a 5mW green laser appears to be 5 to 10 times brighter than a 5mW red laser.Looking at a green beam in the sky should not adversely affect night vision. To keep your night vision, avoid looking directly at the laser dot on a nearby or light-colored surface.

20mW Green laser Pointer are used as cat toys, sights for firearms, tools for optics experiments, to play with, and for presentations. They have frequently been used to pull pranks, some of them dangerous. When shined in the eyes, they can temporarily impair vision, cause the person to see spots, and in rare cases, even damage the retina. Some people have shined them into the eyes of airplane pilots, truck drivers, musicians, and others appearing onstage, causing problems with their vision. For this reason, health agencies have issued strong warnings against the use of laser pointers for mischievous purposes, and these devices are often forbidden from concert halls and sporting events. It is illegal to shine a 50mw Laser Pointer Pen at a police officer, for example.

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There are at least two potential consumer uses for laser pointer 3000mw outdoors:
Pointing out stars in the sky: This needs to be done with caution It is an application that requires relatively strong lasers, so that viewers can see the beam shaft (not just the end dot) Further, the beam is aimed at glowing objects. in the sky. Because these glowing, point-like objects could be aircraft, outdoor laser users need to be careful.
Dispersing birds: does not recommend that ordinary consumers use lasers to scare away unwanted birds The right type of laser with a wide, low-powered beam is not available so there are too many potential safety problems for the birds, for the laser user,. . and for bystanders Also, there is a chance of accidentally having the beam be on or near an aircraft.this is illegal in many countries and jurisdictions Finally, some species of birds may be only temporarily repelled by lasers; after a few minutes or within a day, studies indicate they will return.

Some nations have worked on superpowered laser pointers as antipersonnel weapons, but a U.N. resolution adopted in 1996 forbids their use in warfare. These lasers, not always above the blinding threshold, are often referred to as "dazzlers."






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